Dignity and Equality
Synod 2021-2024
Heeding Pope Francis’ call to synodality, CWC embarked on a process of discernment through virtual listening sessions so that the voices of women from around the world might be heard by the Synod Assembly. We commenced this journey on International Women's Day 2022, highlighting the fact that women around the world are working for equal dignity and human rights as a matter of justice and well-being.
Throughout this process we not only listened to the voices of theologians and leaders from each continent, but we also used different strategies, such as group discussions, Padlet and Mentimeter, liturgies, payers, surveys, to share the experiences of diverse catholic women across the globe.
The result of this process, culminated in a Report with recommendations, published in October 2022 (link) and presented to the Synod Office.
During October 2023 Synod Assembly in Rome, we will be present under the banner "Ecclesia for Equality". Through events organized by the CWC and by our member groups, we hope to inspire and express the hopes and yearning of Catholic women who stand together for dignity, equality, human rights and justice in our church.