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Women in Sacramental Ministry

Moving ahead with women’s sacramental ministries

Women in the Roman Catholic Church are excluded from all ordained ministries and experience incredible resistance when attempting to claim their equality and dignity. Nevertheless, women have never stopped demanding admission to all sacramental ministries.


In recent years, discourse, initiatives, conferences, and publications around this issue have increased significantly, adding great urgency to the growing calls for women's sacramental ministries.


Around the world women are calling out discriminatory traditions and misogynistic teachings, language, structures, and practices that are used to exclude women and further exploit and abuse their charisms and vocations

Women expect answers and visible signs from the Synod that the Church is committed to implement their votes and their rights. Women therefore demand an end to the Vatican's delaying tactics and insist that the Church must recognises their vocations to sacramental ministry.



Worldwide Action & Events

Numerous groups and many women around the world do not want to accept the Pope's harsh "no" or the exclusion of issues relevant to women so they are launching initiatives and campaigns to give women a voice.

"Why not me"

We invite all women and men to take part in the campaign "Why not me?" for the sacramental diaconate of women

Open Letter to Pope Francis 


We believe the topic of women's ministry and equality in the Church should continue to be discussed at the next session of the Synod on Synodality in October 2024.


Women's Ordination Conference

The uncompromising feminist voice for women’s ordination and gender equity in the Roman Catholic Church since 1975

#JuniaInitiative, Schweiz

"Gott ist so viel mehr als Herr"

Wir sind bereit für eine Ordination zum sakramentalen Dienst. Damit unsere Kirche Menschen, unabhängig von Geschlecht und Lebensform, in die Seelsorge entsenden kann

Presbiteras Católicas Romanas América del Sur

Somos un Movimiento Internacional dentro de la Iglesia Católica, en la búsqueda de Justicia e igualdad para mujeres y hombres en la inclusividad según la propuesta de Jesús de Nazaret


Asociación de Presbíteras Católicas Romanas de Sudamérica

La iglesia Catolica Romana tarde que temprano tendrá una nueva concepción ante la presencia de la mujer en el altar


Books -Testimonials

Mujeres sacerdotes cuando?

Maria José Arana, Adelaide Baracco

Diálogos en torno al sacerdocio
de las mujeres

Weil Gott es so will:

Frauen erzählen von ihrer Berufung zur Diakonin und Priesterin,

Sr. Philippa Rath

Frauen ins Amt:

Männer solidarisieren sich; Sr. Philippa Rath, Burkhard Hose

CWC: Moving ahead with women’s sacramental ministries

Presentation Kate Mc Elwee

Executive director of the Women's Ordination Conference

Presentation Dr. Agnes M. Brazal

Senior professor at La Salle University in the Philippines

Presentation Dr. Olga Consuelo Vélez

Professor and researcher at Fundación Universitaria San Alfonso in Colombia


Prayer Annastacia Mphuti

Women living their Vocation


Frauen predigen zum Juniatag - biblisch fundiert - authentisch und spannend

Netzwerk Diakonat

Tag der Diakonin+plus

Forderung nach Öffnung aller Ämter

Australian Women Preach Podcast  Preaching by Christian women from all denominations.


Young Feminist Network

Young Feminist network is a diverse & inclusive community of Catholic-rooted people


Agenda & junge Agenda

Agenda und  Junge Agenda sind  Netzwerke katholischer Theologinnen mit dem Ziel die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von Theologinnen sichtbar zu machen.

Press Statements

Netzwerk Diakonat der Frau

Tag der Diakonin +plus: Forderung nach Öffnung aller Ämter

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung von KDFB, kfd, Netzwerk Diakonat der Frau und Zdk

Women’s Ordination Conference Responds to Pope Francis’ on CBS: "No"  to Women Diacon


Un documento di oltre 30 associazioni italiane

La realtà è superiore all’idea
In cammino sinodale da tre anni:un’immagine di Chiesa

Liturgy / Prayer

Netzwerk Diakonat Frau

„Sie sind ein Segen für unsere Kirche“

Der Berufung gefolgt!

#JuniaInitiative, Schweiz

Junia Tag: "Bei euch aber soll es anders sein"MK10,43

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