Dignity and Equality
Il Santuario
gio 03 ott
Il Gruppo Giovani CWC sarà a Roma per creare un Santuario o Tempio dell'Ascolto, uno spazio immersivo per ascoltare, pregare e lasciarsi trasformare dalle testimonianze delle donne nella Chiesa.

Orario & Sede
03 ott 2024, 13:30 – 21:00 CEST
Rome, Via della Lungara, 19, 00165 Roma RM, Italy
Info sull'evento
In the first week of October the Young CWC Group will be in Rome for the start of the synodal
conference. We will host our own event on the 3rd of October. We aim to create a
Sanctuary or Temple of Listening, an immersive space to listen, pray with, and be transformed by the
testimonies of women in the church. Inspired by the biblical call used by synod architects to
“enlarge the space of your tent,” we will create a “tent-like” space to present women’s stories